April 21, 2020
Welcome to kindergarten in the Douglas County School System! We are thrilled to have the Class of 2033 join us for an exciting journey! Kindergarten is a time of personal adjustme...
April 20, 2020
Due to the public health emergency declared by the Governor and confirmed by the General Assembly, the Douglas County Board of Education will conduct the work session s ch...
April 20, 2020
Following guidance from health departments and government agencies, the Douglas County School System closed all school buildings beginning March 16 to mitigate the spread of COVID...
April 16, 2020
The Douglas County School System will begin accepting applications for School Choice transfers April 27 through May 8, 2020. Parents may request to transfer their child to anothe...
April 10, 2020
The Douglas County School System Program for Exceptional Children has announced its intention to destroy special education records of the students who were born between: Septembe...
April 3, 2020
For the latest information from the Douglas County School System during this time of digital learning, please click the link below. School Closure
March 23, 2020
Douglas County School System Superintendent Trent North is proud to announce the appointment of four new principals for schools in Douglas County. In addition, three current princ...
March 13, 2020
The presidential primary and ESPLOST vote, originally scheduled for March 24, has been postponed until May 19. We encourage all citizens to vote on May 19.
March 12, 2020
The safety of students and staff is a priority for the Douglas County School System. One new safety enhancement was the installation of a card access entry system at all high scho...
March 12, 2020
(Para espanol, mira al final de esta pagina.) Thursday, March 12, 2020 Dear Parents, Guardians and Staff Members, After consulting with health agencies and leaders in the Douglas...
March 9, 2020
Dear Parents, You may be aware that Fulton County plans to close all schools and offices in its district on Tuesday, March 10, due to an employee testing positive for the coronavi...
March 2, 2020
A major focus of ESPLOST V was eliminating mobile units that were used as classrooms. The school system continues to chip away at this goal. With classroom additions funded throug...
March 2, 2020
Dear Parents, The Douglas County School System (DCSS) takes the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) issue very seriously, and DCSS leadership is monitoring the recommendations from the...
March 1, 2020
Dear Parents, Over the past week, we have received many calls from parents asking what the school system will do in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) issue. With the announce...
February 21, 2020
At Dorsett Shoals Elementary, weather is a hot topic every day. Through a grant provided by the Douglas County Education Foundation, the Weather Wiz Kids program provides tools fo...
February 14, 2020
2015 Chapel Hill High School honor graduate Anslee Daniel participated in the audio video technology and film pathway at the CCI her junior and senior years. “I took all the class...
February 14, 2020
Leaders from the community and school system gathered on January 31 to celebrate the 10 th anniversary of the College and Career Institute, better known as the CCI. The CCI is a ...
September 11, 2019
A free seminar regarding students and the legal system takes place this Saturday, September 14, at Stewart Middle School. Come hear from the experts! Please share this information...
September 5, 2019
The Doctor Is in: School Based Health Center Serves All Douglas County Students Since 2016, The Family Health Center at Douglas County Schools has been delivering quality m...
August 30, 2019
Parents and Community Invited to Participate in Survey on Standards Educators, parents, and community members are encouraged to take part in a Georgia Department of Education...