FLEX Academy: Accepting Applications for 2022-2033

FLEX is short for Flexible Learning for Educational Excellence. Students in 1st through 12th grade are invited to apply for the FLEX program.  All teachers are certified Douglas County School System teachers who are committed to the success of your child.  FLEX is ideal for highly independent, self-motivated learners who enjoy working at a fast pace.

We are implementing a new model at FLEX for the 2022-2023 school year. The new program at FLEX for the 2022-2023 school year will require that all students interested apply for the 2022-2023 school year.  Please review the new criteria for the 2022-2023 school year and the options for each grade level. 

Who needs to apply?
ALL students interested in the FLEX Academy must apply for the new school year and meet eligibility requirements. (Current FLEX students must also reapply for the new school year).

*Prior to applying, we recommend that parents of students with disabilities discuss their student’s unique needs with the student’s special education case manager to determine if virtual learning is in the best interest of the individual student based on the nature of the disability and any healthcare concerns. The IEP team must meet to consider if the online instructional delivery methods are appropriate for the student to receive a Free Appropriate Public Education. 

What is offered at FLEX? 
1st - 5th grade - FLEX Live is for 1st through 5th-grade students who thrive well in a virtual setting, but they need a more structured day with a live teacher. Instruction is delivered through Google Classroom. 

3rd - 12th - FLEX Academy is offered to 3rd - 12th-grade students. This option offers a fully online, rigorous, self-paced curriculum.  This option does not have a live teacher and requires that students work asynchronously.  This option allows students to attend class at their own pace. It is designed for independent, tech-savvy learners. Formative assessments must be attended live for monitoring. 

What criteria must students meet? 
Students interested in applying for the FLEX Academy must meet the following criteria:

Demonstrates characteristics of an independent and motivated learner when provided instruction on grade-level standards

Passed all classes from the previous report card with a 70 or higher

Missed no more than 10 days during the 2021-2022 school year

Must have participated in all standardized assessments during the 21-22 school year

K-12 students had to participate in the end of the year STAR Reading and Math assessment

3-8 students had to participate in all sections of the Georgia Milestones End of Grade Assessment

9-12 students had to participate in all sections of the Georgia Milestones End of Course Assessments

Must submit proof of residency along with the application

The parent agrees to transport the student to the base school for the 2022-2023 GA Milestones Assessments

Click Here for the FLEX Academy Application: 22-23 School Year

For more information about FLEX Academy, visit the website.