Say goodbye to paper forms and long lines! There is now a more efficient way to register a child in the Douglas County School System (DCSS). Online registration is available for all students entering the school system for the first time and those returning to the system after attending school in another county or state. The online registration documents may be located at

After completing the online registration document, parents must visit Central Registration at 4841 Highway 5, Douglasville. Central Registration is located in the building behind the Murray Educational Center. Student registration is open year round, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. The following documents are needed to complete the registration process at Central Registration:

·         Certified Copy of Birth Certificate

·         Georgia Immunization Form 3231 (complete for school)

·         Georgia Eye, Ear, Dental and BMI Form 3300 (must be completed within 12 months prior to enrollment in a Georgia School)

·         Student’s Social Security Card or Waiver

·         Parent/Legal Guardian’s Photo ID

·         Custody/Guardianship Papers signed by a judge (if applicable)

·         Last Report Card (if applicable) Showing Promotion

·         Discipline history for Middle and High School Students

·         Student’s Transcript for all High School Students

·         Proof of Residency - The following items are accepted as proof of residency:

o   If you rent: You must bring a CURRENT lease agreement and a CURRENT utility bill or connection receipt. Your utility bill or connection receipt must have your name and current address and be no more than 30 days old.  When renting a home from another party, the signature of the homeowner and renter must be on the lease and notarized.

o   If you own:  You must bring your CURRENT mortgage statement or tax bill and a CURRENT utility or connection receipt.  Your utility bill or connection receipt must have your name and current address and be no more than 30 days old.

For additional information, call 770-651-2050 or click here