The Douglas County School System (DCSS) scored above the state average on the 2018 College and Career Ready Index (CCRPI). The overall score for Douglas County is 76.9, while the overall score for Georgia is 76.6. All public schools in Georgia are assessed utilizing the CCRPI, a comprehensive school improvement, accountability, and communication platform that promotes college and career readiness for students.
The overall score for elementary and middle schools in Douglas County exceeds the state scores at those levels, while the overall high school score for Douglas County is lower than the overall state score for high school. The highest score for any school in Douglas County is posted by Holly Springs Elementary at 94.6.
The Georgia Department of Education released the 2018 scores on October 29 and noted that the 2018 CCRPI uses an updated calculation approved as part of Georgia’s state plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Therefore, the 2018 scores are not comparable to any prior year.
“While we are proud that our overall CCRPI score is higher than the state, our focus is not on the score as much as it is on the components of CCRPI,” said DCSS Superintendent Trent North. “Many of our schools have room for improvement in the areas that make up the overall score: content mastery, progress, closing gaps, and readiness. We will continue to work on improving student growth and achievement in all content areas for all students as we also work to improve our grading practices so that the grades students earn more accurately reflect their achievement on statewide assessments.”
As part of the CCRPI reports, the Georgia Department of Education also released the 2018 School Climate Star Ratings for local schools. School climate refers to the quality and character of the school and is measured on a one to five point scale, with five stars being the highest. The School Climate Star Rating is determined by the following indicators:
– a measure of student, teacher, and parent perceptions of a school’s climate
Student Discipline
– a measure of student discipline using a weighted suspension rate
Safe and Substance-Free Learning Environment
– school discipline incidents and student survey responses on use of illegal substances and the prevalence of violence, bullying, and unsafe incidents within a school
– the average daily attendance of teachers, administrators, and staff members and the percentage of students with fewer than six unexcused absences