DCSS Outscores State in "Beating the Odds" Analysis

Twenty-six schools in Douglas County were designated as either “Beating the Odds” or performing “Within Expected Range” on the 2019 College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI), according to calculations by the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement released December 19, 2019. Fourteen schools earned the distinction of “Beating the Odds,” while 12 schools scored “Within Expected Range.” There are 33 schools in the Douglas County School System.

The CCRPI is Georgia’s statewide accountability system. It measures schools and school districts on a 100-point scale based on multiple indicators of performance.

The Beating the Odds analysis compares a school’s actual performance on the CCRPI with the performance of schools with similar characteristics across the state. The analysis predicts a range within which a school’s CCRPI score is statistically expected to fall based on school characteristics typically considered outside of a school’s control, including student transiency and student demographics of race/ethnicity, gender, disability, English language learners, and poverty. If a school’s actual CCRPI score is above the predicted range, then that school Beat the Odds.

“While we are proud of the 14 schools that qualified for the Beating the Odds designation for 2019 and the 12 schools that scored Within Expected Range, we recognize that we still have much work to do,” said Superintendent Trent North. “We not only want all of our schools to ‘Beat the Odds,’ we also want our schools to score at a high level on the CCRPI regardless of the characteristics that are taken into account on the Beat the Odds analysis. We will continue to add resources and refine our instructional strategies so that all students are prepared for college and career. ”

Elementary schools in Douglas County that Beat the Odds for 2019 include Beulah, Bill Arp, Chapel Hill, Eastside, Factory Shoals, Holly Springs, Sweetwater, and Winston. Middle schools that Beat the Odds for 2019 include Chapel Hill, Chestnut Log, Stewart, Turner, and Yeager. At the high school level, New Manchester High School was designated as a Beating the Odds school.

Schools that scored Within Expected Range include Alexander High School, Burnett Elementary, Chapel Hill High School, Dorsett Shoals Elementary, Douglas County High School, Factory Shoals Middle School, Lithia Springs High School, Mason Creek Middle School, Mirror Lake Elementary, Mt. Carmel Elementary, North Douglas Elementary, and South Douglas Elementary.

79% of the schools in Douglas County were designated Beating the Odds or scored Within Expected Range in 2019, which compares favorably to schools statewide at 71%. In addition, 42% of schools in Douglas County were designated Beating the Odds, compared to 31% statewide.

Please click below for further information on the Beating the Odds analysis from the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement.

Beating the Odds Analysis