Superintendent Trent North is pleased to announce the appointment of Kenya Elder as executive director of communications for the Douglas County School System, effective January 1, 2022. Ms. Elder will replace Nell Boggs, who will retire at the end of December. 

“Ms. Elder has a unique set of skills that will make her successful in this new role,” said Superintendent North. “She understands education and is devoted to Douglas County. Her communication skills have been outstanding in all of her previous roles.”

An educator for 19 years, Ms. Elder currently serves as executive director of teaching and learning for the Douglas County School System. She has experience as a classroom teacher and media and instructional technologist. She also worked for the Georgia Department of Education as an evaluation systems specialist. 

“I look forward to serving Douglas County School System’s staff and community with servant leadership,” said Ms. Elder. “I am excited to be a part of the communications team. This opportunity allows me to share the ‘Standard of Excellence’ of our district.”

Ms. Elder holds a bachelor’s degree in mass communications and television broadcasting, a master’s degree in school library media, an educational specialist degree in instructional technology and media, and an educational leadership add-on in administration and supervision leadership.