The following letter was emailed to parents on March 22, 2021. If you have questions, please reach out to an administrator at your child's school. Thank you.

Dear DCSS Parents and Guardians,

This message is being sent to you because you are listed as the parent of a student in grades 3-12. Students in these grades take the state assessments each year. The main assessments are the Georgia Milestones End-of-Grade (for grades 3-8) and End-of-Course (for grades 9-12).

As required by the U.S. Department of Education, the Douglas County School System will administer the scheduled state assessments during spring 2021. The testing must take place in person at school, and we will provide the opportunity for all of our students to participate.

State School Superintendent Richard Woods has stated that students who are currently enrolled in online learning provided by local districts are not required to come into the building solely for the purpose of taking state assessments. This guidance means that parents of students in School-Based Digital Learning (SBDL) and parents of students in FLEX Academy may choose whether their children participate in testing this year.

Your principal has sent (or will send this week) an email to parents of SBDL and FLEX Academy students with a link to a form so that parents can indicate whether their child will participate in spring testing.

For all students, please note the following information for testing this spring:

  • We will follow our regular COVID-19 safety protocols during testing.

  • Promotion/retention decisions will not be based upon any state assessment results.

  • Students who do not participate in state testing may still qualify to take advanced classes and honors classes, including Advanced Placement (AP).

  • The grade weight for all high school level End-of-Course assessments (Algebra I, American Lit, Biology, and U.S. History) has been reduced from 20% to 0.01%.

  • Students in grades 3, 5, and 8 will not be required to retest for an End-of-Grade assessment if they do not pass the initial attempt.

  • Current 11th grade students who are slated to complete the Georgia Alternative Assessment (GAA) will be required to complete the GAA in 12th grade if they decline to participate this year.

Parents will receive additional information regarding testing as we get closer to the testing dates. Please note that the testing calendar for all grade levels has been revised. Please click here for the updated calendars.

Thank you for your support as we continue to make adjustments to best accommodate the needs of our families.


Melanie Manley

Assistant Superintendent of Student Achievement