DCSS Nutrition Department Serving Up Free Meals This Summer

The Douglas County School Nutrition Program is working to ensure healthy nutrition continues after the final school bell rings. Through the 2019 Summer Meal Program, the Nutrition Department will once again offer healthy nutritious meals to children who may not otherwise have access to such meals. The summer feeding program offers families the opportunity to save time and money by receiving lunch and breakfast at no cost for their children.

This innovative feeding program began in 2007 and provides wholesome, healthy summer meals at several convenient sites across Douglas County.    Breakfast components include an entrée, 100% fruit juice and low-fat milk.  Lunch includes a choice of an entrée, vegetable, fresh fruit, and low-fat milk.

New regulations require that students select a fruit or vegetable daily when selecting options for lunch. The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 requires that schools serve a variety of fruits and vegetables daily. The new meal pattern standards include dark green leafy, red/orange, legume, and starchy vegetables offered throughout the week.

Any child under the age of 18, regardless of income status or enrollment in a summer school program, may eat breakfast and lunch at no cost.  Adults are also welcome to eat but must pay a charge of  $1.65 for adult breakfast and $3.50 for adult lunch.  All meals must be consumed on site.  Exact change is appreciated.

The Seamless Summer Feeding Program is an extension of the National School Lunch Program.  The USDA began the summer feeding program to combat childhood hunger.  The summer feeding program’s mission is for all children to have access to a healthy meal when school is not in session.

Menus for the Summer Meal Program 2019 will be posted on the Douglas County School System website at www. dcssga.org  If you would like more information, please contact Ervin Watson at (770)651-2300 or visit the School Nutrition Department section of the Douglas County School System website.

If you are interested in meals for your summer programs, please contact Ervin Watson at 770-651-2300.