Coronavirus Update from the Superintendent 3-9-20

Dear Parents,

You may be aware that Fulton County plans to close all schools and offices in its district on Tuesday, March 10, due to an employee testing positive for the coronavirus. With Fulton County being a neighboring county, I certainly understand the concern of our parents and employees.

Our school nurses are in continual contact with the Cobb and Douglas Department of Public Health. At this time, health agencies do not recommend the closure of any schools in Douglas County. This could change suddenly at any time, and we will certainly follow the advice of our health professionals. If schools are closed, we are prepared to follow our digital learning plan to keep students engaged and learning at home. It would be prudent for families to develop plans for childcare in case of school closure.

At this time, we recommend that parents follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to mitigate the spread of any disease. If employees or students are sick, they should stay home and consult with their physician. You will find the most up-to-date recommendations for coronavirus at Coronavirus.

We appreciate the efforts our teachers and all staff members are making to keep our students safe and healthy. As always, we thank you, our parents, for entrusting your children to us every day.


Trent North, Superintendent