Dear Parents and Guardians,
To improve the learning experience for our students in School-Based Digital Learning (SBDL), the district has issued the following guidance for the second semester, which begins January 6. As you are making decisions about the best learning option for your child for the third nine weeks, please consider the following expectations, which will be in place at all schools for students in SBDL.
After making a choice for either Traditional Learning (in person) or SBDL, a student must remain in that learning option for the entire nine weeks. A student may change his or her choice only at the beginning of each nine-week period, unless approved by the principal.
Students must log in on time for online classes and stay logged in for the entire class.
Schools will decide whether classes will be recorded and available to students who are absent.
A student enrolled in Traditional Learning may not attend class via SBDL (online) unless the absence is due to illness and/or approved by the principal.
Students will be allowed to do make-up work for a class ONLY IF the student has an excused absence as stated in the DCSS attendance policy.
Students who disrupt the learning environment will be removed from a Google Meet session. It is expected that parents monitor students who are learning through SBDL. If disruptive behavior continues, the student will no longer be eligible for SBDL and must return to school for Traditional Learning.
We appreciate all the support our parents and guardians have provided during the first semester, and we look forward to an even more successful second semester. We wish you and your family peace and joy during the upcoming holidays.