Student receiving big cash prize

Eight middle school students are getting a head start on their college careers by signing for scholarships worth up to $10,000. The students are part of the Realizing Educational Achievement Can Happen (REACH) Georgia program, a scholarship that promotes academic success and expands access to higher education. Its mission is to increase academic persistence and achievement in Georgia’s academically promising middle and high school students. 

Nana Gardiner of Chapel Hill Middle, Amelia Phillips of Fairplay Middle, Louis Gutierrez of Factory Shoals Middle, De’Anthony Bateman of Mason Creek Middle, Hardley Mesidor of Stewart Middle, Pedro Lopez Roman of Turner Middle, Catherine Rameriz of Yeager Middle and Destiny Francis of Chestnut Log Middle/Flex Academy are the Douglas County School System’s REACH scholars. 

When these scholars graduate from high school, they will receive up to a $10,000 scholarship ($2,500 each year for up to four years) to be used at a HOPE eligible Georgia two or four-year college.

“We are thrilled that these eight students will receive all the support they need to be successful in high school and beyond,” says Superintendent Trent North. “They will receive extra mentoring and guidance over the next six years as well as scholarship money, so they can be confident they will be successful in college and will have the financial backing to make their dreams possible.”

Executive Director of Communities In Schools of Douglas County Mitzi Teal coordinates the REACH program for the Douglas County School System. Teal says the students sign contracts as part of the REACH program. “These students have committed to maintaining a certain grade point average, having minimal absences, and remaining crime, drug, and behavior issue free. They also will meet with a volunteer mentor and academic coach until they graduate from high school. Their parents or guardians also signed contracts to support their students through their education,” Teal says.   

Governor Nathan Deal launched REACH in 2012, becoming Georgia's first public-private needs-based scholarship opportunity. 100% of the funds raised go to the college scholarships.

Throughout the program, REACH scholars will work with an academic coach and mentor who models positive behavior and provides the student with knowledge, advice, guidance, and support related to education and beyond. Qualifying Reach scholars will be awarded after successfully meeting all the requirements upon graduation. Many colleges offer to match the scholarship.   

For more information about the REACH program in Douglas County please contact Mitzi Teal, Executive Director of Communities In Schools of Douglas County at 770-651-2039.