CHES students celebrate iReady accomplishments.

Students in Megan Graham’s class at Chapel Hill Elementary School are celebrating an A CHES student reads with his favorite stuffed animalimpressive academic milestone: collectively passing over 400 iReady lessons, each with a perfect score of 100%.

This remarkable achievement reflects the students' dedication and effort as they progress through personalized lessons on the iReady learning platform.

Designed to adapt to each student's skill level, iReady offers targeted lessons in reading and math, helping to reinforce and strengthen their understanding of core concepts.

“I’m so proud of my students,” Graham said. “They’ve shown incredible enthusiasm and excitement for learning. We’ve been working on different iReady challenges all year, and it’s amazing to see them supporting and celebrating one another when they pass a lesson.”

To celebrate, Graham’s class hosted a stuffed animal sleepover. Each student brought a favorite stuffed animal to school, which stayed overnight in the classroom. Graham captured photos of the “sleepover” and shared them with the students the following day.

“I feel proud of myself,” said Giovanni, one of the students in Graham’s class. “I was excited to bring my friend to school for the sleepover!”

Chapel Hill Elementary School continues to encourage students to embrace technology and personalized learning tools, empowering them to take ownership of their education and reach their full potential. With dedicated educators like Graham, the possibilities for success are limitless.