A proud mother and daughter at the library.

For any student, writing and publishing a book is always a big deal. And for Lyric Johnson, a young author at Factory Shoals Elementary School, this accomplishment has been made even more special by having her book featured in her school’s media center for other students to read and enjoy. 

The book, titled “I’m Beautiful, I’m Smart, and I Can Do All Things”, is a story that gives affirmations to the reader as they follow the main character in the book. This book, Johnson says, is written for little girls, but she added that she’s working on another edition for little boys that she hopes to complete soon.  

For the young author, the idea to write these books came from her father, who routinely gave her an affirmation similar to the title when she was growing up. 

“I decided to write it because my dad told my sister and I when we were three or four that we are beautiful, smart, and we can do all things. That’s where the title came from. People don’t really get told that a lot, so that’s what made me want to write it.”

At FSES, teachers, administrators and the school’s librarian are excited to be able to feature a work from one of their own in the media center for other students to check out and receive a positive message. 

Lyric Johnson signing her book at FSES