South Douglas Elementary School (SDES) Media Specialist, Ana Leibbrand collaborated with third grade reading teacher, Chrisy Reeves on a Book Tasting experience for all of their 3rd grade students. The purpose of this activity is to expose students to different authors, genres, and book series.
Third grade classes rotated through the media center as each student sat at a place setting with a snack, book and a blank genre menu form to complete. The form had definitions of what each genre means. Students had to identify whether the genre was fiction or nonfiction. Students eagerly filled out their menus, while collaborating with classmates and documenting their favorite titles. The goal is to have students explore three to four rotations of eight different genres.
In a short period of time, students sampled variety books and came away with a list of new titles to check out.
At the conclusion of the lesson, students had to submit a reflection on the experience.
“I liked how it brought me out of my comfort zone of picking the same books over and over," said one student.
“I thought it was amazing because we got to read books that we haven’t read before," said another student.
And yet another student added, "I liked the book tasting and it helped me find some books that I did not know I liked. I loved it!”