Thirty six Douglas County School System (DCSS) educators are first to complete the Douglas County School System’s District STEM Certification.
Started in August of 2022, this competency based certification comprises eight state, national and international STEM modules, each focusing on a distinct aspect of STEM education. Thirty three of the educators are from Lithia Springs High School and the remaining three are from South Douglas Elementary School. All thirty six educators dedicated time and effort to complete all modules successfully in order to enhance their day-to-day instruction.
The certification program was created and developed by Dr. Marissa Prather, Director of STEM and Fine Arts. Educators are provided resources to explore each aspect, including articles, videos and interactive websites.
As they work through each module, they are required to submit evidence of their learning and compose a reflection of how each STEM component fits into their classroom. All Douglas County educators are eligible to participate. The certification is yearlong, self paced and teachers can start at any time. Interested DCSS educators may reach out to Dr. Marissa Prather, for more information.
"STEM related studies do more than widen career prospects. The disciplines of STEM and their relationship to innovation contribute to the advancement of many different job sectors" said Dr. Prather. "This, in turn, can strengthen an entire economy. STEM insights can lead to life-changing – even life-saving – ideas. STEM is not an acronym. STEM is a way of looking at the interconnectedness of the world and realizing that all academic skills come together into a beautiful harmony of understanding designed to help me become a better problem solver."
STEM Certification
October 27, 2022