The Douglas County School System will begin accepting applications for School Choice Transfers April 12 through April 27, 2023. Parents may request to transfer their child to another public school in the district for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year if the school has available space after its assigned students have been enrolled. Available classroom space is defined as permanent classroom space and does not include the use of trailers. The Douglas County School System considers factors such as projected enrollment, maximum class size and available teacher allocations when determining available space. Class size capacity is also considered by grade level and subject. For a list of schools with openings, please click here

Interested parents may complete an application online. The link to the online application will be available here

Applications will not be available for pick up from the Douglas County Board of Education building. All applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, April 27, 2023. Please note, you must receive an order number. Failure to receive this order number will result in your application not being completed. Please make sure that all information is entered correctly.

Should the Douglas County School System receive more applications than seats available at an individual school, an electronic lottery will be held on May 5, 2023. School Choice slots 

are not filled on a first come first serve basis. Parents and legal guardians who elect the School Choice option are responsible for all costs associated with transporting the child to and from school. The Douglas County School System will not provide transportation.

For athletics, middle school and high school students transferring under School Choice are subject to the eligibility requirements of the Middle School Conference By-Laws or the Georgia High School Association (GHSA). Middle school students granted a transfer to another middle school will be eligible to participate in athletics as long as they meet the academic and age requirements as established by the Middle School Conference By-Laws. High school students, other than incoming freshman, will be ineligible for varsity competition for one calendar year from the date of the transfer but can participate in 9th grade and junior varsity athletics as long as they meet the academic and age requirements as established by the Georgia High School Association (GHSA). If a student transfers back to their districted school, he/she will be  ineligible once again for varsity competition for one calendar year from the date of the transfer.

Parents/Guardians will be notified through the Scriborder dashboard, the transfer request website, regarding your child’s School Choice status.

All applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, April 27, 2023. Should you have additional questions, please visit the website (Departments, Student Services, School Choice) 


 or call Student Services at 770-651-2084.