student chopping strawberries

Increased funding from the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act and Community Learning Centers has granted more summer learning opportunities for Douglas County’s middle and high school students!  BSCA is designed to provide additional resources to improve student attendance and engagement in schools.  The grants enhanced summer programming to support student achievement.          

The Douglas County School System designed an innovative camp program for middle school students around high school preparation and readiness.  The Douglas County Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) Camp, hosted on the campus of West Georgia Technical College, pulled in teachers and facilitators from the College and Career Institute and the high school pathways program.  According to Claudia Copeland, Turner Middle School 21st CCLC Site Coordinator, “The CCI academy and the Summer Learning Program provided a visual of concepts learned in their classrooms.  Students were allowed to engage with concepts that some presumed only to exist on paper,” she added.    

Geri Armstrong, Principal and CEO of the College and Career Institute, offered students a warm welcome to kick off their day. The high school career pathway teachers then offered real-world experiences and shared information on dual enrollment, the IB Magnet program, careers in Marketing, Early Childhood Education, Sports Medicine, and Emergency Medical Technician.  Students rotated through various classes or demonstrations and were provided with all of the necessary safety equipment to participate in each experimental learning segment.  

Superintendent Trent North firmly believes in the transformative power of exposing students to high school career pathways early.  “At the heart of our district’s mission is educating Georgia’s future workforce,” he says.  “With his exceptional camp, we prepare students for the future.  We are engaging them in invaluable experiences to prepare them for workplace success.  By exploring these pathways, students can continue attending and excelling in our high school college and career pathways and magnet programs.”   

Students wrapped up their exciting camp experience with a tour of the College and Career Institute where they learned about other program opportunities including Welding, Dental Assisting, Patient Care Assisting, and Cosmetology.  Camp evaluations revealed 53 percent of students were unaware of high school career pathways prior to attending the innovative camp.  90 percent of students reported their attendance helped them grasp a better understanding of the program.