Sen. Bill 289 Online Learning

Students have the option of requesting online courses during the school day as a regularly scheduled class, or outside of the school day working independently from home.

During School Hours:  Requests are subject to counselor and administrative approval, school infrastructure (computer availability is limited during school hours), and supervision. There will be no cost incurred by the student for courses taken during any of the regular periods of the school day. Online course options may be accessed through our district Virtual Learning Academy, Georgia Virtual School, or other vendors and local virtual schools that are on the state-approved list.

After School Hours:  Requests are subject to counselor and administrative approval.  There will be costs incurred by the student with courses taken outside of the regular school day. Online course options may be accessed through our district Virtual Learning Academy, Georgia Virtual School, or other vendors and local virtual schools that are on the state-approved list.

To facilitate the process of registration, we will accept an electronic application in March of each year. 

Senate Bill 289 allows districts to provide students in grades 3 through 12 the option of participating in online learning programs. This option is provided with the understanding that requests are approved based upon the available infrastructure, either physically or technologically, available to the school.

Online Clearinghouse:  The Georgia Department of Education has developed an online clearinghouse of online courses and online course providers available for you. This clearinghouse provides parents and students the ability to search for available courses, online course providers, and guidelines for what constitutes high quality online courses. The clearinghouse may be accessed through the following link:

Clearinghouse List of Online Courses

To apply for an online course or courses for the 2022-2023 school year, applications will be available in the spring.

Application for Online Courses