School Cafe' Online Info
For your convenience, we offer an on-line meal payment system, School Cafe.
Immediate Benefits:
Prepay by using your Visa or MasterCard
Website available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
View account balances and student purchase history for FREE
Receive e-mail notice when account balance is low for FREE
End lost or stolen money
Set-up hassle-free automatic payments
Accessible from any internet ready computer
Highly secure
Toll free phone and e-mail customer support
5% convenience fee per transaction, $20 minimum that can be split among siblings
Apply On-Line In 2 easy steps!
(First time users) Register for New Account or Sign-in to you account
Click "Apply" for Free/ Reduced Benefits
Fueling our Future safely. Promoting Touchless and Cashless meal process.