ARPA Funding

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What is ARPA

The American Rescue Plan (ARP)Act was signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 11, 2021, to speed up the United States recovery from the economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing recession. 

ARP ESSER funds will allow SEAs to take additional steps to safely reopen schools for in-person instruction and keep them open, and to address the disruptions to teaching and learning resulting from the pandemic. This includes using funds to enact appropriate measures to help schools to invest in mitigation strategies consistent with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Operational Strategy for K-12 Schools to the greatest extent practicable; address the many impacts of COVID-19 on students, including from interrupted instruction; implement strategies to meet students’ social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs; offer crucial summer, afterschool, and other extended learning and enrichment programs; support early childhood education; invest in staff capacity; and avoid devastating layoffs at this critical moment, ensuring that all students have access to teachers, counselors, and other school personnel to support their needs.

ARP ESSER provides significant federal resources to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic that, for some LEAs, comprise millions of dollars of emergency funding. The interim final rule requirement states that each LEA will develop a plan for the use of those funds. The developed plans ensure the ARP ESSER funds are being used consistent with statutory requirements and meet the needs of schools, students, and educators, in particular those students most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

ESSER III Grant period ends September 30, 2023; Carryover ends September 30, 2024

Click Here to link to Georgia Insights GA Department of Education

Alphabet Soup- Acronym Guide
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

ESSER: Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds

ESSER I (CARES Act): Coronavirus Aid, Relief, And Economic Security Act

ESSER II (CRRSA Act): Coronavirus Response & Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act

ESSER III (ARP Act): American Rescue Plan Act

GaDOE: Georgia Department of Education
LEA: Local Education Agency

SEA: State Education Agency

SEL: Social Emotional Learning 
 Alphabet Soup - Learning Game by Emrah Kavak

Return to School Plan

The plan has since been revised on August 10, 2023 to reflect the current state of our safe return to school in person. Below is the infographic for the updated changes since we have been back in school in person full time.

Community spread is a factor used to determine the closing of classrooms/schools and whether face coverings are required or not. Data from the Georgia Department of Public Health is reviewed on a regular basis and adjustments to the plan are made when necessary.

Click here for the Learning by Design 2022-2023 Return to School Plan
Click here for the Learning by Design 2021-2022 Return to School Plan

Click here for the 2020-2021 Return to School Plan.

Use of Funds

DCSS announces plan to utilize ARP Funds to overcome Learning Loss and unfinished learning, and launch facility improvements to reduce the transmission of viruses. Included in the plan is the Return to School Plan. Our plan was submitted to GaDOE for review and approval. Over the next three years the funds will be used to address our priorities and throughout the ARP Grant timeframe we will continue to monitor progress, and re-evaluate the plan as needed. If it is necessary to revise the current plan we will seek stakeholder input based on current system needs. A survey regarding the Use of Funds in the ARP budget is available at the bottom of this webpage.



Learning Loss & Acceleration

Social Emotional Mental Health Wellbeing

Facility Improvements

DCSS Use of Funds- GaDOE Approved and submitted changes


Click Here to Link to DCSS ARP Application
Click Here to Link to DCSS Approved Detailed ARP Budget Summary

The Douglas County School System is seeking continued public input for the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds and Return to school plan (Learning by Design Document). Please review the Links for the Learning by Design Document and also the ARP Budget Links and click the link below or use the QR Code to provide your feedback. Thank you.

Click Here to access Feedback Survey or use the QR Code

Any Questions Comments, or Concerns Please email: [email protected]  (ARP Funds Project Manager)
We will update this page as new information is made available

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